Note these are only for use in the mug press. Remove cap prior to inserting into the mug press and ensure that the plastic on top of the bottle is not within the element.
This method is in my oven which is a thermo fan. If you have any other oven then you will need to test what works for you, its like baking a cake. If you have a top and bottom grill it will be hotter so test with a tumbler first to see how it goes. If you bake to long the print goes dull/light like it fades.
- Preheat oven on 180 for 15min
- Tray must be in the middle of oven or just below
- Put silicone paper or baking paper on try
- Secure print tightly to tumbler
- The shrink film. Slit it down the side then secure it tight to the print, cut it down to size if too long and double tape the join
- Get the heat gun and shrink it to the tumbler, tight, no creases or bubbles, smooth. Don’t put the nozzle to close otherwise you can melt the film, about 10 to 15cm away and wave it around like a hair dryer.
- Upside down in the oven for 6min on 180
- Then take out and remove everything immediately
PS use gloves when taking it out the oven!
Point 5 is the easiest rather than putting it over as it is a mission to remove, here you just pull off the tape and it unravels, what works for me. Make sure where you re-tape the shrink film to do x2 rows of 2cm heat tape as it can pull apart in the oven.
Also please do not let shrink film on to raw tumbler, it can now and then surprise you and stick to the tumbler and then you can’t get it off! Use silicone paper to protect your tumbler but I always use the full paper even if I don’t do a full print that is if you are using a straight tumbler then no silicone paper required, it is only on the old shaped ones.
How do you care for an aluminum water bottle? Wash with clean or soapy water after each use. Dark, moist conditions are what bacteria loves best, so you want to ensure there isn’t any residual moisture left to fester inside. Should you come across any mould or mildew on your water bottles. Leave to dry and store bottle and cap separately. For a thorough clean, soak the product overnight in a solution of water and baking soda. Do not put the bottle in the microwave or freezer, and do not expose it to flames or any other heat sources.
Why does my Aluminum Water Bottle Smell? There are many reasons why your aluminum water bottle may have an off-putting odor. For one, the liquid that you placed in the bottle may have a smell of its own: like coffee, teas, and fruit juices. These beverages contribute to the smell of your bottle. However, there are other reasons for a smell in your aluminum bottle as well, one of them being mold, a musty odor indicates the presence of mold and mildew in your bottle, particularly if you have a habit of storing your bottle while it’s still moist. Look around the cap and silicone areas of the bottle for any black, brown, or green spots that will indicate mold. To remove these smells, simply wash your aluminum bottle using a neutral-scented soap, water, and add some baking soda. For mold and bacteria, you may want to pour hot water to kill off any remaining organisms from your water bottle.
Visit these links to follow how to clean guide:-
Is rust in a water bottle bad? In fact, the limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for iron in drinking water are based on aesthetics (taste, odor, color), not safety concerns. The rust itself will not harm you. But the presence of rust indicates that the container may not have been stored in a sanitary condition.
Stainless Steel can rust if it encounters acids, bleach based solvents or the dishwasher. It can also accumulate mineral deposits from coming into contact with local tap water or metals that appear as rust spotting. Follow below method to remove rust of a surface:-
1. Mix 2-3 Tablespoons baking soda with a small amount of warm water to form a paste. The paste is a nonabrasive scrub and deodorizer.
2. Whip out your handy Bottle Brush! Dip the bristles into your baking soda paste and apply to the affected area.
3. For extra tough spots, add a splash of white distilled vinegar to the baking soda paste and continue to work into affected areas.
4. If any debris remains, reapply your Bottle Brush.
5. Rinse the flask with warm water. Then wash with regular dish detergent.
6. Always ensure all portions of the flask are thoroughly dried before storing and/or store with the cap ajar.