Art & Crafts : UV Resin (200g, 500g, 1kg)


Ready to use Niche UV Resin for jewelry and craft making. Available in 200g, 500g and 1kg. Can be cured  under UV lamp or sunlight. Can be used in sealing acrylic discs for vinyl work.

200g bottle comes in its own floral matching box.


  • Clear & hard, anti-yellow ageing curing and non-toxic.
  • Convenient to use, pointing nozzle design, easy to squeeze.
  • Curing within minutes under UV-LED light or LAMP or direct sunlight.
  • High transparency & low shrinking.
  • 1500-2000cps viscosity


UV-LED (6-9W) : 2-3min
UV LAMP (36W) : 2-4min
Sunlight (sunny) : 8-10min
Sunlight (cloudy) : 20-30min

The curing times will differ on the different thickness.

UV Resin, works best in clear/white moulds than solid coloured moulds as light does not penetrate right through. Best to use with no greater than 5cm thickness.


Title Range Discount
Global discount 2.5% Units of 25 to 49 units 25 - 49 2.5%
Global discount 5% Units of 50 to 100 units 50 - 99 5%
Global discount 10% Units of 100+ 100 + 10%


  • Keep indoors at room temperature to prevent hardening.
  • Keep UV bottle away from UV-LED light or LAMP when curing and direct sunlight.
  • Wear protective gloves & ensure natural air flow when working with your resin. Keep out of reach of children & your pets.



200G, 500G, 1KG